Monday, November 23, 2009

went to the show....

Hi everyone,
  I was going to say that I was going to the show, like that old song but then thought..."but I have already been, hence the title change. Anyway, I met up with my friend Gloria at the Walter's Art Museum yesterday to go to their annual jewelry show. I loved most of the jewelers there but was disappointed by it at the same time. Most of them are jewelers that you would see at any ACC show and have seen for years in the magazines, and yes, their pieces are beautiful, but it would have been great if it had been jewelers that are not seen so much and are exciting and new. Don't get me wrong, I loved all the pieces I saw but it really would be nice to see some new artists! I know there is a lot of great art and artists out there but when will we get to see them and their work?  Well, enough said....we did have a nice lunch in the little cafe and then we went upstairs into the Asian and Japanese, have to go back with a sketch and a camera....I am going to post some of the statues and doors and a lentil of marble.... wait til you see what I missed 'cause my camera battery died!  I can't wait to go back..and it is a free museum!  Fab!  I hope you are all going to have a great holiday week/weekend and don't get hurt if you go out on Friday! Me, I am staying home and playing in the studio and Morgan and I are going to be experimenting with Moroccan food for Thankgiving since it is just the two of us....wish us luck!  Have fun, Kelly

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly -
    It sounds like you had a good time at BABE - good, good.

    Last year Cory and I went to the Jewelry show at the Walters - I had been the year before too - we also went to the lecture on the history of some of the jewelry on display in the museum. We were both disappointed with the show, especially me, because it was the same artists and a lot of the jewelry was the same as the year before. Beautiful - yes, but boring.
    I too believe the jury needs to "Freshen Things" up a bit, with a big bottle of Febreeze filled with artists who don't get much exposure.

    Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving - can't wait to hear about your culinary adventures...Take care!

    Please post the other 3 cards you made in Gwen's class - they are so fantastic.
